Month: December 1995

Small Faith In A Big God

Faith—we all wish we had more of it, especially when facing mountainous problems. Yet most of us are well practiced in faith. We sit down in chairs without checking them out; we use microwave ovens without analyzing how they work; we put keys in doors and expect them to open. We don't go around moaning, "If only I had more faith in chairs, in microwaves, in keys." We depend on these objects because we see them as reliable—not because we've worked up great feelings of confidence.

The Main Event

During the Great Depression that hit the United States in the 1930s, a family in the Midwest struggled to put food on their table. They had no money for luxuries.

Don't They Believe In God?

During the chaos of a big city riot, a television news video showed a man pointing at looters who were racing in and out of the stores. The man cried in anguish, "This is stealing! Don't these people have any morals? Don't they believe in God?"

Taking Orders

A sergeant in the Indiana National Guard was demoted and sentenced to 4 days in jail because he refused to take off his cap.